The ‘Why’ of Indian Traditions – Namaskar salutation

Since ancient times there has been a tradition of holding one’s hands together in prayer. In India, this gesture is known as Namaskar and is offered as a gesture of salutation.
There are many names for this particular gesture or salutation – Naman,Namaste, Pranpiat, Pranam, Namo Namah.
All these terms convey honour and humility.

The most common way of offering Namaskar is by joining the palms at the level of the heart, to show we are sincere. When we touch our heart, countless good vibrations pass through our finger tips in the form of radiance to the other person. This beautiful touching gesture can help turn an enemy into a friend, and also aids us to eliminate our egos, and encourages humility and other virtuous practises.

The Namaskar gesture, when offered with humility, melts away differences and enmity between people. It is said in the Hindu Scriptures, that the right side of our body represents Shiva or Brahman and the left side represents Shakti or Maya. The five fingers represent the five all-pervading elements : earth, water, fire, air, and ether. When all five powers of Shiva and the five powers of Shakti unite, Namaskar is formed.

namasteEvery kind of union manifests a creative power. The meeting place
of two rivers or of a river as it meets with the ocean; the union
of a man and woman, or the point when day merges into night and of course, when seasons merge into one another. Each creates energy.
Energy manifests in many ways. Even when we clap our hands at a concert or a show, energy or power is formed.

The tradition of Namaskar in its many different forms, has existed
since the days of the Vedas. It’s such a simple gesture and helps
spread love among all.

Strangely people in our country dont practice it much now !!

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