Happy Ganesh Chaturthi !

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great devotion all over India. People bring home murtis (Idols) of Lord Ganesha and celebrate the festival by worshiping the Lord in a special way for a day and a half, 5 days, 7 days or 11 days depending on the family tradition and commitment of each individual.
On the last day of worship the idol is taken out in a colourful and musical procession to be immersed traditionally at a beach.
This is one of the most popular festivals in the Country. There are several reasons for this. Ganpati is after all a popular God. His blessings are invoked at most religious ceremonies as He is the one who can remove all obstacles to success. He is the giver of fortune and can help to avoid natural calamities.

Ganpati, the god of wisdom and the benevolent deity of the dynasty of Peshwas who ruled Maharashtra inculcating a special culture in the state. Ganpati is the herald of auspicious beginnings and is the beloved deity of all.


Instructions for pooja Ganesh Chaturthi

This ceremony can be performed in a temple, but popularly done at home, before a small clay image of God. The Ganesh puja is often performed at noon, but can also be done in the evenings, the whole family gathered around your image.


Take a ritual bath and put on clean clothing. You must be sure you have cleaned the house very well. Place coconut leaves around the platform on which you put the idol, and then added garlands of red roses. If you reuse your image or clay statue of Ganesh before beginning the ritual, you should wash and dry well. Stand on the platform and put garlands of flowers over it. Sandalwood paste placed on image and wash your hands. Then you can start to Ganesh puja.

Recites a mantra to invite Ganesh into the idol. This can be a very simple mantra such as “Aum Namah Ganashya Gam,” repeated three times or more, or “Avahanam Samapayami”. If you want to make a more complicated sentence, you can read a section of the Rig Veda, which has many passages devoted to Ganesh. A popular method of calling Ganesha ie “Vakratundda, Mahaakaya Suryakotee Samaprabha, Nirvighanam Kuru Mey Deva, Sarvakaaryesha Sarvadaa”. This calls Ganesha with some of their names (Lord Ganesha of Large body, curved trunk, as bright as a million suns, removes all obstacles in my work always).

Place the modak, a kind of sweet with sugar and rice, next to the statue, saying. “Aum Namah Shri Ganesha” Light incense and ghee lamp. Once done, you can perform Shhodashopashara, or ways to pay devotions to Ganesh. Wash the hands and feet of the image and offer water to drink, saying: “Aum Namah Shri Ganesha Achmanee samarpayami Yam”.

It offers more flowers to God and places coconuts near the idol. Then you should start reciting the 108 names of Ganesh. It’s greetings describing the particular characteristics of God, including those above, speaking of his curved trunk and big body. When you said the last of the 108 names, the family must bow to the image of Ganesh and ask for his blessing. Then Ganesh puja is complete.

Wish you a Happy and a Blessed Ganesh Chaturthi 2014!

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